Monster abilities

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Re: Monster abilities

by foq » Sat Oct 01, 2016 6:06 am

Gunter wrote:
gulliver-trans wrote:I think the players feel pretty overmatched as it is.
But you know I'm more concerned with how the monsters feel. :mrgreen:
I never thought of it that way, since I've been around before a lot of crazy shit... I remember FvF before brainsuckers, zombikaizis and shamblers that could blow you up, and all that other evil shit Gunter introduced. I just met each challenge as it came (and I'm awesome, so I can handle FvF brutality)... but to a newber, FvF would be 1000x tougher than regular singleplayer. Go play normal singleplayer after playing FvF. It's pathetic how easy it is.

Newbers often don't even know about the classes. They think their guns are messed up when they connect because the server selected Wasteland Warrior for them or something. Once they learn how to change class, they often go back to the regular Quake Soldier, who honestly sucks in Quest. Add the crazy monsters on top of that and you've got a recipe for a really tough game.

But, should it be easier? Naaaah... easy is for noobs! And eventually, good FvF players (not in the sense of skill, but in being a regular player) become not-so-noobs and can cope with the craziness. Except Gunter. He's the noobiest noob I've ever seen if I ever saw a noob. Man, is that guy a noob...

Re: Monster abilities

by Gunter » Fri Sep 30, 2016 2:54 pm

gulliver-trans wrote:I think the players feel pretty overmatched as it is.
But you know I'm more concerned with how the monsters feel. :mrgreen:

Re: Monster abilities

by teknoskillz » Fri Sep 30, 2016 1:39 pm

To a degree, yea.

I suggested to Foq last night perhaps a revive player feature would come in handy. He said that you can just respawn, so would be irrelevent, but
from a teamplay standpoint, it would add another dimension during monsters continue past corpses and onto the remaining players. A Monk or Cleric could revive someone who happens to be behind the powerful monster now, then deliver a kill or at least give another targ for it to worry about.

Also, in my coop mod, I coded in better Axe attack damage based on how the animation player swing is, and if you are behind an enemy, damage is multiplied quite a bit so the kill chance is almost 100%. Add in Invisibility and the chance is 100%.

I also am using a respawn cam feature which I think makes coop more interesting. I have stuff in there that gives a bonus if you save a player being attacked by a monster and hes close to dying, stuff like that. If Gunter wants to check the code, I have it all on Git here:
gulliver-trans wrote:I think the players feel pretty overmatched as it is.

Re: Monster abilities

by gulliver-trans » Fri Sep 30, 2016 1:02 pm

I think the players feel pretty overmatched as it is.

Re: Monster abilities

by teknoskillz » Fri Sep 30, 2016 12:36 pm
Gunter wrote:Maybe I just need to strap grenades to the jumping fish :twisted:

Re: Monster abilities

by Gunter » Fri Sep 30, 2016 12:24 pm

Maybe I just need to strap grenades to the jumping fish :twisted:

Monster abilities

by teknoskillz » Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:33 am

Nice that the fish jump up out of the water to attack, I was wanting to do that for my coop mod recently.

I did see that they will hop around on land and continue to attack, which I thought was a little too unrealistic.

Perhaps 1 attack while on land, then make them flop around sideways just like a real fish would, trying to get back into the water.
You could use a timer that expires, and they die on the ground if they cant find the water again.

I also noticed you may be using that old modified Jump code for the Demon that makes them jump out of the water.

There is also code that makes Ogres lob grenades into your cover. If you wanna put that in lmk.

Was gonna post a link to my coop server , but Darkplaces is needed, and the culture here seems more leaning toward the
classic Quake experience. But at any rate its in the multiplayer master server list in the client menu under "Coop with Creepiercam".
