FvF makes Hap Twitch

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FvF makes Hap Twitch

Post by Gunter »

Or maybe that's, "Twitch makes Hap FvF...."

Heh, so the other night I saw people on the server in the middle of the week, so I hopped in to check it out.

It was Dr. Dumbfuck and company, and they told me they were live-streaming on Twitch.

So I messaged Hap and told him that someone was live-streaming FvF on Twitch at that moment, because he had JUST had a phone interview with Twitch, though they passed him over for the UI position. He didn't even know what Twitch was a few weeks ago though, heh, and only became familiar with it due to interviewing with them.

Anyway, he was like, "Wait, what? Link?" so I got him the Twitch link, and later he connected and was like "OMG! I'm watching with my wife!"

He watched the remainder of the stream that night, then watched the beginning part of it the next day, and now he's getting really nostalgic for FvF (we all know how it pulls you back in...)....

Tonight he's telling me, "This is all your fault! I was perfectly happy to not think about it, but now I really want to play Quake again!"

Well, he's got another job interview to prepare for, but after that's over, he may show up in the server some time after next Tuesday. I've told him we usually play on Sunday nights.....

Anyway, here is the aforementioned Twitch recording: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/131930687
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Re: FvF makes Hap Twitch

Post by gulliver-trans »

The Deity returns to his creation! We are not forsaken! Let us hope he is not in a Purging mood, however.

Seriously that's cool, though. Should I mention it on QuakeOne?
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