Brings back memories, first mod I ever played! Talked to Hap

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Brings back memories, first mod I ever played! Talked to Hap

Post by Svperstar »

Wow based off the traffic this site gets it might be months before someone reads this but hey will still be fun to type this. :)

I am 28 now, back in 1996 when I was 14 my family finally entered the computer age and I got a Pentium 100 with 16 megs of ram and a 1.0 GIG HD. LOL.

Quake came out the same month I got my computer, I knew NOTHING about Windows 95 so it took me about 2 months to figure out how to get on the internet. I used a friends dial up access, the freaking ISP didn't even check if 2 people we logged in at the same time so we could both log in and get on the same chat/quake server.

Anyway I am from Alaska originally which isn't a big deal now in the age of broadband but in the age of 28.8 modems it was a death sentence for gaming.

Pings of 300+ to servers down here in the states were common. Lucky if you got a constant 150 ping. So I played exclusively on Alaska servers.

Anyway. I don't remember how I found it being so long but I stumbled upon FvF one day. I thought it was awesome, I ended up emailing Hap back and forth and giving my 2 cents on gameplay changes and such.

Seems funny now. When I was 14 I didn't think emailing someone saying "hi I like your game, gotta go my girlfriend is going to call me so I have to get off the phone line" was odd at all, MAN I was such a noob.

Was very FRUSTRATING THOUGH playing FvF because as I said, most servers were in the states and I was in Alaska so I got something like 250-350 pings to most servers..........Ever try and play FvF with a 300 ping? Not fun.

I pestered my ISP and convinced the admin of the Quake server to add FvF to the Quake Server. I was so happy! A good ping finally! However people were PISSED!

See my ISP ran a lame little mod that was pretty much a hook.......and not much else. People were furious they didn't have a hook. After 2 days the admin changed it back to the lame Hook mod. :(

Eventually Quake 2 came out and I loved it, forgot about FvF for a while. when I went to college in 2000 I got a bunch of my friends to play FvF over a LAN but they all hated it, said it might be good for the time but it sucks now.

Wish I knew you guys were playing in 2006, I would have been right there with you.

Man. 14 years ago and reading this makes it seem like yesterday. :)
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Re: Brings back memories, first mod I ever played! Talked to Hap

Post by gulliver-trans »

Wow based off the traffic this site gets it might be months before someone reads this but hey will still be fun to type this. :)
There's the whole email notification thing, though :P

Good story. I started on a system with very similar specs, except I was on Compuserve (and later Oh and I was 20 or 21 at the time. had their own quake servers, too. Seemed like the tech guys were all quakers.

I don't have my quake tracker script setup on this machine but I think there's still some traffic on the fvf server. Mostly TheTurk (or whatever he calls himself now).

Gunter should saunter in here shortly. Have you been to the forums?
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Re: Brings back memories, first mod I ever played! Talked to Hap

Post by Svperstar »

I have check out that forum a little bit, I am not a stranger to the fact that there is still a Quake community though. A few years back I downloaded one of the various source ports and tried to play Quake 1, MAN I am rusty though! I remember doing all kinds of grenade tricks and such on DM3 but the people who still play quake are fucking nuts with their skills. I got whooped on pretty hard core. I honestly never liked QuakeWorld, as I said I was from Alaska so I used to play Arena but it was all in the local Quake community. There were some really good people in Alaska.

After being inactive for so many years it is hard to get back into online play. I ended up playing against some bots to practice then got distracted by IRL.

My game play went like this....I went from Quake 1 to Quake 2 and played in Alaska RA2.....then in 1999 I played a lot of TFC.........FINALLY cable modems came out in 1999 so I could play outside of alaska but even then my pings were ~100 when the rest of the people on the server were 20-30. Then Counter-Strike came out and I became a huge CS junkie. I still love Counter-Strike. I hate Quake 3. Quake 1 was good and Quake 2 was fun because it was different but Quake 3 took Quake 1 and Quake 2 and watered them both down and made it suck. I also didn't like UT very much........

Then with Real Life becoming big around 2005 and finally graduating college I moved away from gaming, I will never spend $400 on a videocard again.

Honestly I would LOVE to get back into ThreeWave CTF and FVF but it just isn't the same, no noobs wandering in, no vibrant community. Its fun to reminisce but it will never be the same. I will be on the server some now though :)
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Re: Brings back memories, first mod I ever played! Talked to Hap

Post by Gunter »

Svperstar wrote:Ever try and play FvF with a 300 ping?
Yes.... yes.....

See my ISP ran a lame little mod that was pretty much a hook.......and not much else. People were furious they didn't have a hook. After 2 days the admin changed it back to the lame Hook mod. :(
I hate freehook mods!! It takes away player skills because they don't have to travel the level as it was intended -- they just hook everywhere.... And then they become so dependant on it they can't play without it, and they cry when they don't have it. :evil:

Only Ninja and Snipers get the hook! And they pay for it by not getting heavy armor or ranged explosives, heh.
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Re: Brings back memories, first mod I ever played! Talked to Hap

Post by gulliver-trans »

Then with Real Life becoming big around 2005 and finally graduating college I moved away from gaming, I will never spend $400 on a videocard again.
Yeah same. Which is probably why I won't have much more to contribute to this thread :)
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Re: Brings back memories, first mod I ever played! Talked to Hap

Post by alorayne »

Wow! This brings back some wonderful memories. I'm glad to see there are a few of us left. I can't remember the last time I played FvF but I was one of the original originals and one of the few females that played. I think it was 1996-1999 era. I can't find my old .cfg file of all my commands and config set up for mouse and keyboard. I was never a joystick player. My screen name was Sharkbait. I preferred the Mage or Sniper, but played 'em all.

I remember rolling with my 333mhz Celery (Celeron) over-clocked to 450mhz and a VooDoo 3 vid card and thought I was the shiiiiiittt. My dial-up sucked, but I got used to the lag. My ex-boyfriend, Kevin, used to run a Quake FvF server at his work where we all played. If I recall, he was doing some testing with Hap for FvF. (Can't remember the name of the server)

I was pissed when Quake 2 and 3 came out, because a lot of the FvF crowd left. I finally conformed to play Quake 3 and enjoyed that for a while. The only other mod other than FvF I liked was CTF (Capture the Flag).

I have no idea what got me looking into Quake again, but I had a flashback to my youth of FvF parties where we would all haul our desktop computers to someone's house on Friday night and play until Monday morning. 36 hours of straight FvF and eating pizza and soda. We used to play with headphones and put kick*ss music in the CD-Rom while we played to motivate us. Prodigy, Crystal Method, and Juno Reactor were favorites.

So I went seeking out my Quake software to reinstall and reminisce. My old Celeron is long gone to Silicon Heaven and I can't find the Quake 1 software. :(
I found my Quake 3 software and tried playing that. I sucked! I used to play for days barely eating or sleeping. So today I played Q3 for about 10 minutes and made myself motion sick; broke out in a sweat and almost puked up my soup for dinner. I had to lay down for about 30 minutes as the room was spinning. How did I do it?

Anyways, thanks for letting wander down memory lane. I'd love to find an FvF QServer again, but my chops are rusty and I have no idea where to begin.

Aaaaah, the memories! Thank you Hap for creating a wonderful and memorable era of my life I'll NEVER forget.

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Re: Brings back memories, first mod I ever played! Talked to Hap

Post by Gunter »

All ya gotta do is get Quake 1 installed on your computer (if you search the internet, you can find places to download it, if you lost your CD...). Then you can connect to the FvF server.... You should find most of the information you need on the home page:

I'm not sure what Hap is up to these days ( is a site he made), but he's the one who has supplied the domain and webspace for this site.... so I assume he's still alive out there somewhere!
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Re: Brings back memories, first mod I ever played! Talked to Hap

Post by gulliver-trans »

Good times.

I recommend Qrack for a modified quake client.
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