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FVF Polling script

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 12:37 pm
by gulliver-trans
Here's my tiny, poorly written WSH script that uses Qstat to keep an eye on the FvF server:

It's pretty broken, but at least will tell you when someone joins. Annoyingly, the popup will probably knock you back to desktop after YOU join the Quake server, if you don't kill the script first. It also only checks one server. So this script needs lots of work...

The server IP needs to be changed, btw, to use it with another server (but who would want to do that? :P).


Code: Select all

Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8

Const POLL_INTERVAL = 60000 '1000 x seconds

If Not objFSO.FileExists("qstat.exe") Then
   objShell.Popup  "Qstat.exe not found" + vbCrLf + "Verify that this script is in the qstat directory" _ 
	 + strNumPlayers,  , "Qstat problem", 48
End If
Dim bogusTest ' as Boolean
bogustTest = False

Do Until bogusTest = True

	'objShell.Popup  "Sleep test", 60, "FvF Status", 64

	'objShell.Popup  "Part 2", 60, "FvF Status", 64

	ErrorCode = objShell.Run ("qstat -noconsole -qs -R -P -of fvf-poll.xml -xml", 0, True) 
	 '^^ 0 means run in background, True = wait  for command (qstat) to finish ^^
	  '^^ Qstat parameters: -R = rules, -P = players, -of = output file, -xml = output type ^^
	If ErrorCode <> 0 Then
	   objShell.Popup   "Qstat ErrorCode: " + ErrorCode + vbCrLf + "Aborting." , 3 , "FvF Status", 48
	End If
	If Not objFSO.FileExists("fvf-poll.xml") Then
	   objShell.Popup  "fvf-poll.xml file not generated by Qstat.exe " + vbCrLf + "Verify that this script is in the qstat directory" _ 
		 + strNumPlayers,  , "Qstat problem", 48
	End If
	If Not objFSO.FileExists("fvf-poll.cfg") Then 'poll the server anyway, since this should be the first time run.
		boolFirstRun = True
	End If
	Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile _
		("fvf-poll.xml", ForReading)
	Set objCFG = objFSO.OpenTextFile _
		("fvf-poll.cfg", ForReading, True)  'True = create if non-existent

	Dim intLinePos 'as Integer
	Dim strNumPlayers 'as String
	Dim strServerXML
	Do Until objTextFile.AtEndOfStream
		strNextLine = objTextFile.Readline

	  ' objShell.Popup  strNextLine, 5

	   intLinePos = InStr(strNextLine, "numplayers")
	'TODO: Write strNumPlayers to a file
		If  intLinePos > 0 then ' numplayers found:

		intLinePos = InStr(strNextLine, ">") + 1
		strNumPlayers = Mid(strNextLine, intLinePos, 2)
		If Not IsNumeric (Right(strNumPlayers, 1)) Then
			strNumPlayers = Left(strNumPlayers, 1) 
		End If
		Set objCFGTest = objFSO.GetFile("fvf-poll.cfg")
		If objCFGTest.Size > 0 Then 'config just created.
		   strCFGLine = objCFG.Readline
						 'otherwise strCFGLine is empty so it won't match numplayers
		End If
		Set objCFGTest = Nothing
		Set objCFG = Nothing
		'TODO: Open file for writing. Write new numplayers
		 'objShell.Popup  "strCFGLine*" +  strCFGLine + "*"
		 'objShell.Popup  "strNumPlayers*" +  strNumPlayers + "*"

		strServerXML = objTextFile.ReadAll
		intLinePos = InStr(strServerXML, "<players>")
		intLinePos2 = InStr(strServerXML, "</players>") - Len ("</players>")
		intLinePos2 = intLinePos2 - intLinePos 'length of string
		strServerXML = Mid(strServerXML, intLinePos + Len("<players>"), intLinePos2 )

		If strCFGLine <> strNumPlayers Then
		   objShell.Popup  "FVF status has changed: " + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + "   Player(s): " + strNumPlayers + vbCrLf + _
			strServerXML, 60, "FvF Status", 64
		End If
		'Set objCFG = objFSO.OpenTextFile _
		'	("fvf-poll.cfg", ForReading, True)
		Set objCFG = objFSO.OpenTextFile ("fvf-poll.cfg", ForWriting)
	    objCFG.Writeline strNumPlayers
	    'objShell.Popup  "Sleep test 2", 60, "FvF Status", 64
		End If

		'    arrServiceList = Split(strNextLine , ",")

Set objShell = nothing
Set objTextfile = nothing
Set objCFG = nothing

Re: FVF Polling script

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 12:39 pm
by gulliver-trans