Forum Sluggishness

Is there something that doesn't work right? Do you need help with something? Post about it here.
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Forum Sluggishness

Post by teknoskillz »

Was curious maybe the forum was hacked back in 2011, because it was listed as a phishing threat. I had sent an email to openDns back then and they removed it:

Hello Steve,

The phish tag has been removed from the '' domain. Thank you for your patience with this matter.

-Vinny LaRiza
Community Moderator

On Wed, 27 Jul 2011, wrote:
> HI: Not sure why site is a problem - can access cached copies of certain pages on google, seems to be mostly text stuff for old Quake game. Can you remove from unsafe site? Steve
> -----
> domain:
> url:
> name: Steve
> -----
> Referer: ...
> User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0

I do know these phpbb type forums are targets for exploits, so lets say you had some kind of infection back then and you restored using the original stuff, its possible the bug could stil be in the forum, just its not written well enough to pass through the newer OS patches and just sits there clogging resources? Just an idea....
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Re: Forum Sluggishness

Post by gulliver-trans »

Thanks for taking care of that back then.

I don't know myself if it was hacked, but the bots were posting lots of spam and probably unsafe links on the forums.

Guess we'll have to see if Gunter knows anything about that.
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Re: Forum Sluggishness

Post by Gunter »

There was one time the site got shut down, and the host said it was because it was hacked, but we never saw evidence to support that claim....
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