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Joined: Mon Dec 10, 2007 8:45 pm
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Post by Gunter »

Is this a tech support issue? I'm posting my zomming aliases here for anyone who needs them.

Make a zoom.cfg file and place it in the id1 folder, and put this in it:

Code: Select all

//            Change "sensitivity 9" to your default sensitivity, or it will be reset to 9 after zooming
// If you prefer, you can change         "mwheelup" and               "mwheeldown" to some other keys.

alias zoom_out_full  "sensitivity 9; bind mwheelup zoom_in_half;  bind mwheeldown zoom_back;     r_drawviewmodel 1; fov 50;wait;fov 70;wait;fov 90"  
alias zoom_out_half  "sensitivity 6; bind mwheelup zoom_in_full;  bind mwheeldown zoom_out_full; fov 20;wait;fov 30"

alias zoom_in_half   "sensitivity 6; bind mwheelup zoom_in_full;  bind mwheeldown zoom_out_full; r_drawviewmodel 0; fov 70;wait;fov 50;wait;fov 30" 
alias zoom_in_full   "sensitivity 3; bind mwheelup wait;          bind mwheeldown zoom_out_half; fov 20;wait;fov 10" 

alias zoom_back     "chase_active 1; bind mwheelup zoom_standard; bind mwheeldown wait"
alias zoom_standard "chase_active 0; bind mwheelup zoom_in_half;  bind mwheeldown zoom_back"


// kill that stupid runequake disablement, in case you were just on a runequake server
// just exec zoom.cfg again and you'll be fixed.
unalias chase_active
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